Thursday, July 21, 2011

How He Loves Us

Hey y’all this is Thornton checking in from Costa. It’s been a busy week that is sadly coming to an end soon for those who are only going for one week, like myself.  Today was another tough day out on the work sites. At the big site that I was at, we have almost finished digging a ditch to help remove sewage from the nearby building. It took a lot of teamwork and communication to make the ditch the right width and depth. The lunch was amazing (as usual) that the local women prepare for us. The food was not around long! When we got back from VBS we all jumped in the pool and created a massive whirlpool. That was really cool having everyone swimming around and around. But tonight was something special. After dinner and ice cream at the local heladeria, it was worship time.  Tonight we had a special guest with us, Roger (Rojere), our bus driver that takes us from work to the hotel. He was willing to give his testimony about his childhood and the problems he faced when he was growing up. I could not believe what all he went through, to get where he is today. And to be honest it was the first time I had ever cried in worship time. Everyone was touched by his words and his experiences. After everything broke up, it began to rain. I feel God was trying to say something tonight.


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