Tuesday, October 4, 2011

T's Weekly Thought: As I Have Loved You

People are funny. 

When I went to college I had no idea what I wanted to do for a living.....all I knew is I was incredibly fascinated by people.  So I studied Sociology.  I needed to know more about people.  How it all worked....and why we do what we do....."human activity" I remember one professor called it.

I was reminded of the "geek" in me when Gregg Medlyn at the Race to Nowhere panel talked about how each one of us are born "self esteem neutral".  I found this so fascinating that I asked him more about it......what does that mean exactly??

Come to find out.....apparently we are all born feeling the same way about ourselves.  We have NO idea that we are rich, poor, funny, smart, big, small, shy.....and even if we did - we could care less - because we have no idea what those "things" mean.  Things that one day.....might define us.

So.......apparently, as we grow older......and we learn more - we start to figure out from different people - parents, youth ministers, friends, teachers, coaches, people in the hall - who we are.  And somehow.....along with that - our value.  So while we are clueless tots - somewhere along the way - we learned.  We are no longer "neutral" - rather -very aware of what we think of ourselves.  My guess is most of this comes from those around us.

It's hard for me to believe as a youth minister that we are born "self esteem neutral" - especially when I meet with so many of you - and there is nothing neutral about how you feel about who you are. Most of you (us) are incredibly hard on yourselves.  We look in the mirror, we are benched for a game, we get our progress reports, someone says something unkind to us, we make a bad decision - and well, there's nothing neutral about the way we feel.

I think about this and I can't help but think about something Jesus said......

 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

It's interesting to me that Jesus chooses to say this....this way.  I mean - he could of just said, "Hey- love each other - okay?"

But, I actually think he's way more intentional in the way he goes about it......he says....."AS I HAVE LOVED YOU.......LOVE ONE ANOTHER." 

Most of the time I think I do a decent job loving people - but if I'm honest......does my love towards others emulate that of Christ's love towards me??

Ah......that would be a negative.

And I can't help but take it a step further and say......gosh - if we ALL did that......would we all still view ourselves as we did when we were just peanuts.  Would all our labels be gone....?  Or if we had them......WAY more tolerated?  And maybe even beyond tolerated, but LOVED.....? 

Jesus took time for all the people that no one else took time for.  He invested in people who didn't think they were worth much.  He loved the unloved......and because he loved them that way......their lives were changed.

I know it's hard to look at others, our family, ourselves......and just love.  I think that's why when Jesus came - he left us with two BIG commandments.  I think he realized it would take everything inside of us to somehow just do that.  Love Him.  Love others.  If we could JUST do that......just TRY to love others the way Christ loves you (me)........

It would change everything......

I love you.  Always will.


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