Monday, September 19, 2011

T's Weekly Thought: Live As If...

Hey Everyone!
I recently heard a great quote......."The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."
I can't help but think of Paul's sermon yesterday about weakness when I think about this quote.  I loved his sermon.  I loved it because I think we ALL spend an inordinate amount of time running from who we are - ESPECIALLY when it comes to our weaknesses.
I was reminded yesterday just how weak I really am.  How much I need God....and how often I pretend I don't.  That I am "just fine". 
I am not "just fine". 
And when I thought about anyone??  I mean, I think most of us are TRYING - but do we all have it all figured out? 
Honestly, I have a lot of hard days.  I don't have it all figured out.  I miss people that I love that I've lost.  A lot.  There are some days I miss them so much I don't feel like pretending like I don't.  Some days I just want to stay home and cry.
I'm insecure.  I care too much what people think.  I am a perfectionist.  I worry if my home or my children or my marriage or my body or work and ALL my relationships aren't PERFECT -and not just appear perfect but aren't PERFECT, that I'm a failure.
I'm one of the hardest people on ME that I know.
I thought a lot about that yesterday.  What little "slack" I give myself and how I try so hard to be enough - that I forget that I'm just not. 
No one is.
But the beauty of this quote spite of me -it's a privilege to be ME.  God created ME.  With all my fears, insecurities, short-comings and failures.  And just like Paul reminded us yesterday from 2 Corinthians when God spoke to the apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
What an awesome promise from God!  That right when I don't feel good enough - strong enough - that's EXACTLY when Christ will show up if I let Him.  Gosh, why do I forget that??
That quote is perfect.  It is a privilege to be me.  It's a privilege to wake up today and have another shot at another spite of ME.  And in those moments where the parts of me that I don't necessarily like creep in and start to take over - I actually can call on the One who created me. Who loves me.  Who's on my side......ready to help.
I don't care who you are - what your weaknesses are.  This is what I know.  It is a privilege to be YOU.  In spite of your weaknesses - you can be better, stronger.....and you do matter.  Your life DOES make a difference.  You are a gift.....and your life - your presence is a blessing.  A REAL blessing on this earth. 
Live as if it is a privilege to be YOU.  Because you know is.
I love you.  Always will.

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