Wednesday, September 7, 2011

T's Weekly Thought: Entitled

I would never ever want someone to describe me as Entitled. 
Until tonight.  When I looked up the definition and read:
1. To give a name or title to.
2To furnish with a right or claim to something.
After reading this I thought - okay, if I was given a name or a title or had a right or claim to something......that's not that bad.  I would guess that I would receive that name or title because I earned it - worked for it. 
Then I looked up something else.
SENSE of Entitlement:  The idea that one has a right to be given something which others believe should be obtained through effort.
Maybe that's what I was thinking.  Maybe I would actually really be sad if someone said that I had a SENSE of entitlement.
The sad thing is....I think I sometimes do.  And I'm not proud of it.  It's something I believe has been a part of my make-up since early on. 
When I was 14 I totally expected to have the latest fashions.  I wanted Jordache Jeans.  (Your version of 7's or J brand or whatever it is you are wearing right now). 
At 16 - I totally expected a car.  And a new one.  Even if it meant my dad drove one less desirable than me.  I mean....come ON!  After all, I WAS the teenager! 
At 18 - I was going to college.  On my parent's dime.  I was ticked that I had to work or contribute or pay for anything.  It was my parent's decision to have me - why did I have to pay for it??
The worse part is - this part of me rears it's ugly head from time to time and I have to catch myself and think - who the heck are YOU?  Why are you entitled to that??  Especially when no one else is...........
I would like to think this is a problem that only exists in little ol me - but I have to tell you......I think we all have a problem.  I see it almost EVERY SINGLE DAY! 
People who don't pick up after themselves.
The complaining about things that don't even exist!!
Someone who cuts in line, cuts someone off or bullies someone because THEY don't have time to wait.
The idea that you deserve something just because you were a car, your own room, a walk in closet, tory burch, under armor or jimmy choo.
Admitting you were wrong.  Are sorry.  Need forgiveness.
I mean people......WE HAVE A PROBLEM!
Where did this sense of entitlement come from?  And how do we make it go away?  FAST!
I know I may be unusual when I say I love Communion Sunday.........I love it for lots of reasons.  But one thing I love about it - is the reminder.  The reminder that I am nothing.  And Christ is everything. 
There is a prayer read in union on Communion Sunday - it's known as The Prayer of Humble Access - "We do not presume to come to this thy Table, O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy Table. But thou art the same Lord, whose property is always to have mercy.”
But unfortunately, we do.  We trust in ourselves at times.  Ourselves only.  Thinking we know best.  We got it.  We deserve it.  We need it.  It's ours for the taking........
And yet - are so quickly reminded that actually.........we don't.
And without God.......We aren't much - and deserve nothing. 
Every single thing we have in this life is a gift.  Starting with life itself.  And if we could just grasp that.  Just gosh, how satisfied and complete we would be. 
This life is a gift.  We are completely undeserving of God's grace we receive every single day -and yet,  we have it.  So unworthy of His unconditional love - and yet........He gives it.
Who are we to think that we deserve - are entitled to more than that? 
A king - our Savior - God's son died on a cross for me.  For you. 
SENSE of you have one?
 I love you.  Always will.

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