Tuesday, August 23, 2011

T's Weekly Thought: Show Me Your Friends...

Hey Everyone!!
I can't tell you how excited I am to kick off another year!  But I have to say.....it's always a little bittersweet.  Last week I had to say goodbye to all the kiddos who have graduated - those little 7th graders that somehow blew through this ministry and are now getting settled in to their dorm rooms in college!  Last week I was invited to a special dinner for one of these great girls in our ministry.  Over dinner people who loved her dearly shared "pearls of wisdom" - small words that could make a big difference in her life.
One of the people around the table shared something that I really really liked.  She said - "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."
I have to say.......I'm way on board with this!  Just loved it.
Time and time again I see youth hanging out with kids who they have no business hanging out with.  "Friends" that are anything but.......a friend.
I actually looked up the definition of a friend.  Here goes:
1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement.
So according to the definition - A FRIEND - is someone you can trust - so that means they don't talk about you.  They don't tell your secrets.  They stand up for you - and by you - especially when you need them most.  Someone who is there for you.  Likes you. Picks you up when you are down.
And according to the old saying - will determine your future. 
Of course there are exceptions to every rule.  But here's what I think - you keep the company you keep for a reason........and whether you like or admit it or not - ALL of those relationships are affecting you in one way or another.  Some of those friends are bringing you up - challenging you - leave you better than they found you.  And then there are others that just don't.  They don't lift you up - make you feel good - encourage you - or challenge you in a positive way. 
I do believe that our relationships - our FRIENDSHIPS - have a MAJOR impact on who we are - and especially when you are young.....who we BECOME.  I have seen time and time again great kids change - make choices that they swore they would NEVER make - do things they thought they would NEVER do - simply because of the company they are keeping.
I do believe that YOUR friends- your relationships DO affect your future. 
SO......take a look.  What company are you keeping?  What choices are they making?  Are they REAL friends?   Do they make you better - just because you were with them?  Do they impact your life in a positive way?  If not.....why the heck are you hanging out with them?
After all.....those friendships.....could very well be your future........and if so - it might not be what you were hoping for.
It's a new year!  Think about those you surround yourself with.....is that who you would like to be? Are they people you would like to become?  If so -awesome!!!  If not......get out.  Life is too short to throw it away to friends that are anything but..........friends........
Show me your friends.....and I'll show you your future.
I love you. Always will.

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