Tuesday, August 9, 2011

T's Weekly Thought: God's Love is Enough

It's funny - someone asked me the other day how I come up with my weekly thoughts - I responded.....they are just that.....a thought of mine that just happens to stand out in my week.  Sometimes I think these thoughts are 100% mine.  Other times I feel like someones trying to tell me something.....like a theme that just keeps coming up over and over - so maybe it's not only for me - but for all of us.
That's what happened this week.
I heard it in Pauls sermon from Cornerstone a couple of weeks ago.....and then I am reading this book called Biblical Parenting with the same thought - and then thought it today as - through tears - I said goodbye to some of our youth who are leaving for college......
So here goes - here's the thought.......God's love is enough.
The idea is that - no matter what - God's love really is enough.
This book I am reading talked about how important it is to love your kids - duh.  BUT - it's even MORE important to tell them about God's love.  I mean......parents aren't perfect.  We are human - full of sin.  So are youth ministers, senior ministers, best friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, coaches, teachers - and so on and so on and so on.  SO.......if and/or when those people let you down, disappoint, fail.....the GOOD NEWS is......
God's love is enough.
It's funny how much we rely on people beyond our God for our value.  Our worth.  Approval.
What happens when those people let us down?  Move?  Pass away........
It's still okay - because we have a great understanding of our worth - our value - our place.  Because all of those things are defined by our Creator.  Not a "insufficent", imperfect human.
When I was young I can't tell you how much I put my dad on a pedastal.  Man - I worshipped that guy.  He could do no wrong.  Make no mistakes......
So when he did......wow, that was tough.
My poor dad is just like me.  Human.  And so he has temptations, failures, fears - and he disappoints. 
I wish growing up I had a great understanding of my value, worth and place as God's child.  A God who never lets me down.  Never disappoints.  Is always there.  I would have looked more to God for answers instead of others......who sometimes just couldn't be there the way I needed them to.
So.....where does your value come?  Who are you looking to for approval?  Who do you "worship"?   
For all of us - the answer should be simple.  It should be our God. 
Because you know what........
God's love is enough - especially when other people's isn't.
I love you.  Always will.

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