Tuesday, November 15, 2011

T's Weekly Thought: Jesus at the Finish

Sunday was really awesome. 

A bunch of people who love Tom Lueder and the Lueder family got together to run for DFW Purple Stride to raise money and awareness for pancreatic cancer.  Most of you know Tom passed away due to the disease less than a year ago.  So Sunday was awesome.

Sunday was also sad.

As I walked the 5k - I couldn't help but look around at all the signs on people's backs.....

Running in memory of:  my friend, my aunt, my brother, my daddy.

Those signs were tough.  And even though I didn't know the people, my heart still went out to them - for what they and their loved ones were going through.  The toughest one for me was the one on Tom's brothers back.  It simply said, "My brother".

As we were driving home I couldn't help but tell my kids how proud I was of them - and grateful that they tried so hard for Tom.  Carter said, "Mom, he was there.  And he won the race with the angels carrying him."  We were at a light and I turned around from the front seat of my car to tell Carter that I thought he was exactly right.  There was no doubt that Tom was there and had won the race.  Carter said, "Of course he won mom - he was running to Jesus at the finish!"

There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus was at the finish line.  And not just for the race Sunday.  But for the race Tom ran his whole life.  Tom ran every single day of his life.  And even though a disease took his body, it did not take his spirit - that no doubt, ran to our Savior the day he left this earth.

I find enormous comfort in Carter's words.

And.........in the words of Isaiah where it says, "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

The only sure thing in this life is death.  And while that can be a very scary thought - and incredibly sad - our hope and our joy and our peace in the midst of it all is that on that day, we WILL find new strength.  We will soar on wings like eagles.  And we will run.  And for those who remain faithful, our Savior will be waiting with open arms to welcome us home.

Eternal life is a precious gift our Savior gave us.  To one day, win our race - and find Jesus at the finish line.

I love you.  Always will.


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