Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekly Thought from T - THIS PLACE

Week of 11-22-10

Hey Everyone!

So.....some of you know that my husband Topher spent the better half of last week in the hospital.  He had a blood clot that settled into one of his kidneys.  It was painful, scary, and unexpected.  He's home now and okay- but things have changed a little bit.  He has to have shots, take medicine, and think more about what he eats, drinks and how much he exercises.

A week ago this was the furthest thing from our minds.  A week ago we were thinking about how much life costs, how busy we were, what was on our list to check off before the end of the week and the kids big birthday party yesterday, which friends we were going to spend time with over the weekend, how we were going to get it all in.

And then BAM!  Just like that.........our worries became very different.  Very real.  Not that the other ones didn't exist - but when you are thinking about your life - and/or quality of that life - all the other worries black.

Instead of thinking about bills I can't help but wonder what would this look like if the blood clot went to his brain?  Or heart?

And now - instead of worrying about when am I going to have time for yoga this week - I was worried about getting out of the hospital before the twins first birthday party, Thanksgiving - and about my husbands quality of life.  Will Topher get to exercise anymore - play golf the way he used to - be there for his kids and family the way he wants to......

In the middle of it all I couldn't help but jot down something in my phone.

Why are we living for the next and fail to enjoy the one we are in??

I mean we are a MESS - okay I am a MESS.  I can't help but live my life for every moment that is coming.  Not the one I am living.  And I couldn't help but realize how you might do the same.

We are working so dang hard to BECOME the best.  Smarter, faster, richer, stronger.  Life will be complete when____________ (you fill in that blank).

When we have more friends
When so and so likes me
When my parents change
When my kids change
When we have more money
When our house is bigger
A better car
When I don't have to work any more
When I make the basketball team
When I'm taller, faster, blonder, stronger, skinnier
And we fail to appreciate

The amazing friends we have
The peace in loving yourself first
Appreciating the gift of parents and who they are - not who you want them to be
Appreciating the gift of your kids and who they are - not who you want them to be
If money is your problem, you don't have a problem
You have a house
92% of the world doesn't have a car
A lot of people in this world would die for your job AND income
Teams don't define You.  YOU define YOU.
Our health. The beautiful, unique, healthy body that God gave you.
My gosh we take so much for granted.  It's like every day we need to put something on our mirror - tape a piece of paper that says - THIS PLACE.  APPRECIATE THIS PLACE.

People always say, "It could be worse" - and it's usually the last thing I want to hear when I am in the middle of something tough - but it's so true.  It could.

We have been blessed with so much - and yet we seem to be always looking at - STARING at actually - all of our flaws, weaknesses, the things we want - but don't even really need. 

My friends - try to enjoy THIS place.  Wherever you are. 

Life can change in an instant.  It really can.  It's almost scary how quickly.  SO.....enjoy this place.  Relish in this place.  Love this place.  Appreciate this place. 

Thank God - for this place..........

because if you really think about it - it's pretty beautiful - and we have so very much to be grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving.

I love you.  Always will.


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