Sunday, December 18, 2011

T's Weekly Thought: Already Been Given

This past week I had an incredibly special treat.  My younger sister received a masters degree - and so my entire family (brother, 2 sisters, and dad) were all together for the weekend.  It was simply the best. I love my brother, sisters and dad so much.  Time with them is like winning the lottery.  I was especially lucky to steal a few moments with my brother.  Saturday morning we woke up early and went for a jog together.  In that 40 minutes I felt nothing but love.  We had such a great talk about the holy spirit- and how both of us in so many ways had felt God's love for us.  We talked about the different ways God had revealed himself to us.  Through answered prayers, other people, comfort, love. 

Gosh - God is so incredibly good.  His love for us is so real.  I am reminded often - whether through a personal experience, or of those around me - that God REALLY does know us.  He is so incredibly aware of us.  Our needs.  Our desires.  Our weaknesses.  And I believe, more than anything, that it is His desire for us to believe in Him.  For us to believe that He really DOES care. Really does know.  Really does bless..........even in those darkest, saddest, loneliest moments. Our Savior stands - waiting to hear our prayers and bless us in and through those moments.

Tonight as I was cleaning out an old bookcase I found a journal I kept shortly after my daughter Louisa passed away.  I wrote, "Last night I had a dream.  Louisa was in my dream.  I don't remember what happened - but I know I saw her - and as I looked at her a song was playing in the background -

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all."

I just had to sit down for a minute......gather myself as I was reminded of God's great love.  Again. 

Christ isn't physically here - but He promised us before He left that while He was going - we would never be alone. The power of the Holy Spirit is so real.  That spirit blesses us and reminds us often that our God would never ever leave us to do this life alone. How could we??

My prayer this Christmas season is that Christ's greatest gift - His love - will permeate your heart.  Your life. Your home.  That you will be reminded this season that He DOES know you.  He loves you. His desire is for you to feel and know that love.  And while He isn't here physically, his Holy Spirit can and will bless you through precious feelings, other people, comfort, love........peace.

May Christ's Holy Spirit reign throughout your holiday and remind you that the greatest gift has already been given.......the life and love of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas.

I love you.  Always will.


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